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DVD Compilations

A couple of the films in the archive can be seen on DVDs specially made by Steam2Music. These can only be obtained direct from us. To enquire about obtaining your own copy please go to the Contact Us page to send us your request.

So far, the following DVDs have been produced.

  Title Contents Mins Produced Format Status
In the Days of Steam

A selection of films from various countries

1 Tracing Steam; 2 Station of Life; 3 Lines Round Natal; 4 Railway Work in Moradabad; 5 Township Travel; 6 Vintage Port; 7 Passing Trains

93 2011 PAL Limited availability
Britain in the Days of Steam

A selection of films from Britain

1 Tracing Steam; 2 End of Steam Blues; 3 North-Western Freight under Steam; 4 Metropolitan; 5 Colliery Steam in the North East; 6 Ironstone Railways; 7 Watt à Bolero

93 2013 PAL Limited Availability

Each DVD is produced with painstaking care and has a short accompanying booklet containing a description of each film. Additional DVDs could be made in future years with alternative film selections.

Reflecting the non-commercial nature of the archive, distribution of the DVDs would be restricted to private individuals and groups - for example, friends, railway preservation groups and similar organisations interested in seeing films. If you want to see the films please go to the Contact Us page.

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LMS Class 5 at Bolton

